The treaty of Nimègue marks the apogee of the reign of Louis XIV; the middle-class men of Paris decree the name of Large to him; the courtiers adore it like God; one raises triumphal arches to him; the palate of Versailles is completed.
Enivré of its power, Louis XIV known as: "I am the State", and he wants to be the Master in Europe as in France.
He is made allocate by the Rooms of meeting the dependences of his conquests, builds Sarrelouis, and seizes Strasbourg and Luxembourg.
He alienates the pope by his violence, and draws from Genoa a cruel revenge.
All Europe links itself against him.
Decided to establish in his States the religious unit like the political unit, Louis XIV undertakes to convert the Protestants; persuasion appearing too slow, Louvois mingles with it "with the soldier, i.e.
it serves of the dragons as missionaries, and Louis XIV revokes the edict of Nantes, with the applause of a great part of the nation (1685).
France loses two hundred and fifty thousand inhabitants, and Europe unites itself against Louis XIV.