With the death of the Maximilien emperor, François 1st and Charles of Austria dispute the imperial crown.
Charles of Austria, already main of Spain, of the Netherlands, of Naples and Austria, without counting America, is elected emperor of Germany and becomes Charles-Quint (1519).
France, surrounded by this formidable empire, will fight during more than one century to defend its existence and to lower the house of Austria, i.e.
narrowly plain Austria and Spain.
It is the glory of François 1st to have begun this fight with excess (1521).
In the first war, François 1st, who has against him not only Charles-Quint, but still the king of England Henri VIII and one large treacherous French lord with his country, the duke of Bourbon, the lower part has and cannot preserve the Milanese; Bonnivet is beaten in Biagrasso, Bayard is killed in the retirement and Provence is invaded (1524).